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Applicability study on existing dosimetry systems to high-power Bremsstrahlung irradiation


Mehta, K.*; 小嶋 拓治; 須永 博美

Mehta, K.*; Kojima, Takuji; Sunaga, Hiromi


Applicability of the existing dosimetry systems to high-power Bremsstrahlung irradiation was investigated through a dose intercomparison study, where several dosimeters were irradiated in the dose range 4-12 kGy in identical polyethylene phantoms in a Bremsstrahlung beam obtained from a 5-MeV electron accelerator. Included in the study were alanine dosimeters molded by three different binders, three types of liquid dosimeters:ceric-cerous, dichromate and ethanol-chlorobenzen (ECB), and glutamine powder. The dosimeter responses for Bremsstrahlung radiation were analyzed at the issuing laboratories, and the dose values determined using calibration based on cobalt-60 $$gamma$$-ray irradiation. Dose values for all the three dose levels for all dosimetry systems were in good agreement of better than 3%. The results of the study demonstrate that these existing dosimetry systems have a potential for application to high-power Bremsstrahlung irradiation.



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分野:Chemistry, Physical



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