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Report No.

The Toughness of free-standing CVD diamond

Davies, A. R.*; Field, J. E.*; Takahashi, Koji; Hada, Kazuhiko

A four-point bend test was used to determine the fracture toughness of mechanical grade and di-electric (optical) grade chemical vapour deposited (CVD) diamond. The validity of the test was first confirmed by measuring the toughness of alumina and confirming the results with literature values. The toughnesses of both types of CVD were similar; 8.5$$pm$$1.0 and 8.3$$pm$$0.4 MPa ($$sqrt{m}$$) respectively. This is higher than the value of 3.4$$pm$$0.5 MPa ($$sqrt{m}$$) measured for diamond by Field and Freeman, 1981 using an indentation technique. It is suggested that this is primarily due to differences in surface roughness. There were enough samples to make a preliminary study of the effect of temperature and these data are reported.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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