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Report No.

Development of SPEEDI-MP and its application to a hypothetical accident of a nuclear submarine in the Japan Sea

Kobayashi, Takuya ; Nagai, Haruyasu  ; Chino, Masamichi; Togawa, Orihiko 

The possibility of radionuclide release to the environment is on the increase due to a growth of nuclear facilities in Asia, military problems, nuclear terrorism, etc. The released radionuclides circulate among the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial environment, influencing human and natural environment through complex processes. In order to reduce the damage from these pollutants, it is necessary to estimate their migration behavior in detail. A software system SPEEDI-MP (SPEEDI Multi-model Package) is under development to resolve such environmental problems by simulating the 'inclusive and successive' behavior of pollutants in the atmospheric, oceanic and terrestrial environment. As code verification, the system has been applied to a hypothetical accident of a nuclear submarine if it sinks in an offshore region around Japan. The predicted results are examined, and the applicability and validity of the system are discussed.



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