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Report No.

Research and development of ZrC-coated particle fuel

Minato, Kazuo ; Ogawa, Toru

The research and development of the ZrC-Triso coated particle fuel was reviewed, especially on the fabrication, chemical reactions, high-temperature stability, and retention of fission products. The fabrication process of stoichiometric ZrC coating layer has been established based on the in-situ generation of zirconium halide vapor. The irradiation experiments, the postirradiation heating tests, and the out-of-reactor experiments demonstrated that the ZrC coating layer is less susceptible than the SiC coating layer to chemical attack by the fission product palladium, and that the ZrC-Triso coated UO$$_{2}$$ particles perform better than the normal Triso-coated particles at high temperatures, especially above 1873 K. It was revealed that the ZrC-Triso coated particles retain the fission products better than the SiC-Triso coated particles, though the ZrC coating layer is a less effective barrier to ruthenium than the SiC coating layer.



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