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Report No.

Practical integrated simulation systems for coupled numerical simulations in parallel

Hazama, Osamu; Guo, Z.

In order for the numerical simulations to reflect textquotedblleft real-worldtextquotedblright phenomena and occurrences, incorporation of multidisciplinary and multi-physics simulations considering various physical models and factors are becoming essential. However, there still exist many obstacles which inhibit such numerical simulations. For example, it is still difficult in many instances to develop satisfactory software packages which allow for such coupled simulations and such simulations will require more computational resources. A precise multi-physics simulation today will require parallel processing which again makes it a complicated process. Under the international cooperative efforts between CCSE/JAERI and Fraunhofer SCAI, a German institute, a library called the MpCCI, or Mesh-based Parallel Code Coupling Interface, has been implemented together with a library called STAMPI to couple two existing codes to develop an textquotedblleft integrated numerical simulation systemtextquotedblright intended for meta-computing environments.



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