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The Recommended k$$_{0}$$-factors for neutron-induced prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis and the prompt $$gamma$$-ray emission probabilities


松江 秀明 ; 米澤 仲四郎

Matsue, Hideaki; Yonezawa, Chushiro


The recommended k$$_{0}$$ factors for 81 $$gamma$$-lines of 24 elements, which are useful for neutron induced prompt $$gamma$$-ray analysis (PGA) and are not influenced by neutron spectrum difference, were obtained from the k$$_{0}$$ factors measured with the cold and thermal guided neutron beams of JRR-3M by statistical calculation. The prompt $$gamma$$-ray emission probabilities were derived from the recommended k$$_{0}$$-factors using atomic weight, isotopic abundance and thermal neutron cross-section of other nuclear constants consisting the k$$_{0}$$ factors, for which one can obtain accurate data. The derived $$gamma$$-ray emission probabilities for the light elements (H to Ca) well agreed within $$pm$$10% with those of the ENSDF, which reflect recent data, which the agreements for heavy elements (Ti to Pb) were $$pm$$40% with those of the ENSDF, which are still composed of old data.



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分野:Chemistry, Analytical



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