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Report No.

Novel instrument system for discriminating secondary particles in high-spatial-resolution neutron detection

Yamagishi, Hideshi; Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; Soyama, Kazuhiko  ; Masaoka, Sei; Aizawa, Kazuya  

A new instrument system with the capability of secondary-particle discrimination (InSPaD) was studied for the development of two-dimensional neutron detectors (2D-ND) filled with helium-3 gas and with high spatial resolution. The InSPaD can discriminate between the tracks of a proton and a triton created in the nuclear reaction $$^{3}$$He(${it n}$,${it p}$)${it T}$ by simply setting the level of discriminators appropriately in each signal channel, and the system exhibits a high spatial resolution, high counting rate, low background, and stability. The simulations of the 2D-ND equipped with the InSPaD revealed spatial resolutions of 0.46 mm in full width at half maximum for a 10% mixture of C$$_{2}$$H$$_{6}$$ with helium-3 at 0.3 MPa. The results of neutron-detection experiments using a microstrip gas chamber, including the range of the secondary particles and the pulse-height distribution, agreed well with the simulated results, indicating the feasibility of the InSPaD.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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