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Report No.

Decommissioning project feedback experience in the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

Yanagihara, Satoshi; Tachibana, Mitsuo; Miyajima, Kazutoshi

Several decommissioning projects are on going and studies on decommissioning issues are in progress in JAERI. The JPDR and JRTF decommissioning projects have been set up as demonstration programs for future decommissioning large nuclear facilities. Therefore, efforts have been made not only to dismantle the facilities but also to collect data and lessons learnt on dismantling activities. The data and lessons learnt have been analyzed to produce the database for future decommissioning projects by categorizing into manpower expenditure, radiation dose and waste generation in project data, and safety aspect, waste management, work efficiency considerations in lessons learnt. respectively. The feedback experience has been effectively contributed to various areas on decommissioning such as studies on regulatory systems and planning of other dismantling projects. This paper deals with decommissioning experience and lessons learned in JAERI.



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