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Report No.

Ferromagnetic and resistive wall effects on the beta limit in a Tokamak

Kurita, Genichi; Tsuda, Takashi; Azumi, Masafumi; Ishida, Shinichi; Takeji, Satoru*; Sakasai, Akira; Matsukawa, Makoto; Ozeki, Takahisa; Kikuchi, Mitsuru

In order to improve economic and environmental suitability of tokamak fusion reactors, both the accomplishment of high beta plasmas and the practical use of low activation materials to reduce the amount of radioactive waste are crucially important. Low radio-activation ferritic steel is considered as a most promising candidate for structural material in DEMO reactors, and there is the possibility of reduction of critical beta value by the deterioration of MHD stability due to ferromagnetism of ferritic steel. This paper investigates the effect of ferromagnetism with plasma flow on the beta limit of tokamak plasma by carrying out MHD stability analyses including ferromagnetic and plasma flow effects.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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