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Report No.

Establishment of X-ray reference fields for performance tests of radiation measuring instruments based on international standard(ISO4037-1)

Shimizu, Shigeru; Zhang, Q.; Kajimoto, Yoichi; Kawasaki, Tomokatsu; Fujii, Katsutoshi 

The International Standards ISO4037-1 of the International Organization for Standardization widely applied in the world to construct X-ray reference fields for performance tests of radiation measuring instruments. The application of the current JAERI's X-ray reference field constructed in accordance with the Japanese Standards should be limited for domestic purposes becase of the characterization technique different from the International Standards. Therefore,for application to international performance tests, X-ray reference fields in the narrow,wide and high air-kerma series based on the International Standards were established using the medium-hard X-ray generator of the Facility of Radiation Standards(FRS), JAERI. This report presents quality characterization, estimation of X-ray spectra of each dose units of the new FRS's fields,and comparison of the qualities and the X-ray spectra to those of the ISO's. The FRS's qualities show good agreement with ISO's: the reference fields should serve for performance tests for international radiation protection purposes.



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