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Report No.

Analysis on lift-off experiment in Halden reactor by FEMAXI-6 code

Suzuki, Motoe; Kusagaya, Kazuyuki*; Saito, Hiroaki*; Fuketa, Toyoshi

Experimental analysis was conducted on the Lift-Off experiment IFA-610.1 in Halden reactor by the FEMAXI-6 code using the detailed measured conditions of test-irradiation. Calculated fuel center temperatures on the two assumptions, i.e., (1) an enhanced thermal conductance across the pellet-clad bonding layer is maintained during the cladding creep-out by over-pressurization, and (2) the bonding layer is broken by the cladding creep-out, were compared with the measured data to analyze the effect of the creep-out by over-pressure inside the test pin. The measured center temperature rise was higher by a few tens of K than the prediction performed on the assumption (1), though this difference was much smaller than the predicted rise on the assumption (2). Therefore, it is appropriate to attribute the measured center temperature rise to the decrease of effective thermal conductance by irregular re-location of pellet fragments, etc. which was caused by cladding creep-out.



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Category:Materials Science, Multidisciplinary



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