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A 400m-long superconducting RF linac cryostat design for an ERL light source


峰原 英介

Minehara, Eisuke


A 400m-long superconducting RF linac cryostat is conceptually designed and discussed to optimize the advanced low-temperature cryostat for an ERL light source. A low temperature cryostat for superconducting RF linacs and other superconducting devices should be designed and made to minimize its heat invasion through the heat bridges between the room and low temperature parts. The cryostat also should be designed and made to minimize total number of the heat cycles for the rest of its life after the initial test. We can expect that the total number of the heat bridges is roughly proportional to the number of the cryostat, and a life interval between two contiguous cryostat malfunctions inversely proportional to the number of the heat cycles. Therefore, if we can design and make a single and long cryostat to realize the operation less than a half cycle for the rest of its life, we can run our cryostat for a very longer interval than tens of years and with minimum electricity.



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