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Development of scanning-type synchrotron radiation m$"o$ssbauer microscope using focused X-ray


三井 隆也; 小林 康浩*; 瀬戸 誠

Mitsui, Takaya; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro*; Seto, Makoto


A scanning-type synchrotron radiation Mossbauer microscope was designed and installed at the nuclear resonance beamline BL11XU of the SPring-8 facility. The focused Mossbauer probe beam ($$Phi$$$$sim$$20$$mu$$m) is obtained by the combination of a high-resolution monochromator, a multilayer X-ray focusing mirror and a pinhole slit. Using this Mossbauer microscope, we have performed, for the first time,the synchrotron radiation Mossbauer microscopic measurements of nuclear resonant forward scattering from an iron borate single crystal as a function of the sample position. It was found that the observed Mossbauer time spectra depend on the direction of the local hyper fine magnetic field and the local specimen thickness.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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