Performance of upgraded thermal neutron guides with supermirrors at JRR-3
田村 格良
; 鈴木 正年; 羽沢 知也; 盛合 敦; 堀 直彦
; 笹島 文雄; 曽山 和彦

Tamura, Itaru; Suzuki, Masatoshi; Hazawa, Tomoya; Moriai, Atsushi; Hori, Naohiko; Sasajima, Fumio; Soyama, Kazuhiko
Thermal neutron guides at JRR-3 reactor have been upgraded from Nickel mirrors to Ni/Ti multilayer supermirrors. We performed the characteristics experiment of neutron beams transmitted through supermirror neutron guides. Neutron fluxes at the end of the thermal neutron guides were measured by the gold foil activation method on March 2003. We have confirmed that neutron fluxes at the end of thermal neutron guide increases by 6 times. The neutron spectra were also measured at the end of the thermal neutron guides by the time-of-flight method. The wavelength range for the neutron beam is extended and the shorter wavelength neutrons, which had been filtered by the characteristics of curved neutron guides before upgrade, were observed. In this paper, we have performed several Monte Carlo simulation codes using the McStas package in the consideration of the performance of fabricated supermirrors and its alignment errors for the purpose of estimation of instruments performance. We discuss the comparison of the experimental results with results of simulation.