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Report No.

Neutronic study on seed-blanket type reduced-moderation water reactor fuel assembly

Shelley, A.; Kugo, Teruhiko ; Shimada, Shoichiro*; Okubo, Tsutomu; Iwamura, Takamichi

Neutronic study has been done for a PWR-type reduced-moderation water reactor with seed-blanket fuel assemblies to achieve a high conversion ratio, a negative void coefficient and a high burnup by using a MOX fuel. The results of the precise assembly burnup calculations show that the recommended numbers of seed and blanket layers are 15(S15) and 5(B5), respectively. By the optimization of axial configuration, the S15B5 assembly with the seed of 1000$$times$$2 mm high, internal blanket of 150 mm high and axial blanket of 400$$times$$2 mm high is recommended. In this configuration, the conversion ratio is 1.0 and the core average burnup is 38 GWd/t. The S15B5 assembly can attain the core average burnup of 45 GWd/t by decreasing the height of seed to 500$$times$$2 mm, however, the conversion ratio becomes 0.97. The void and fuel temperature coefficients are negative for both of the configurations. Effect of metal or T-MOX (PuO$$_{2}$$+ThO$$_{2}$$) fuel has been also investigated. Metal improves the conversion ratio but makes the void coefficient worse. T-MOX improves the void coefficient, but decreases the conversion ratio.



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