Multi-element determination in soil and sediment reference materials by neutron-induced prompt -ray analysis using -standardization
松江 秀明 ; 米澤 仲四郎
Matsue, Hideaki; Yonezawa, Chushiro
法に基づく中性子即発線分析法(-PGA)により、日本分析化学会が調製した金属添加褐色土標準物質(JASC401),森林土壌標準物質(JASC411)及び独立行政法人産業技術総合研究所計量標準総合センター(NMIJ/AIST)が調製した海底質標準物質(NMIJ CRM 7302-a)及び湖底質標準物質(NMIJ CRM 7303-a)の多元素定量を行った。-PGAでは、元素の相対濃度が求められるが、絶対濃度は直接求められない。このため、標準添加法によりTiの定量を行い、これをもとに、-PGAによりそのほかの元素の絶対濃度を求めた。その結果、試料に応じて、1115元素を定量することができ、分析値は、認証値あるいは参考値とほぼ10%以内で一致した。
Multi-element determination in reference materials of soils (JASC401, JASC411) and sediments (NMIJ CRM 7302-a, NMIJ CRM 7303-a), which were prepared at the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology of the National Metrology Institute of Japan, respectively, has been carried out by neutron-induced prompt -ray analysis (PGA) using standard addition and -standardization methods. Firstly, absolute Ti concentrations in the samples were determined accurately by the standard addition method. Secondly, relative multi-element concentrations were determined by the -standardization method. Finally, absolute multi-element concentrations were obtained by normalizing the relative multi-element concentrations with the absolute Ti concentration in the samples. The 15 elements such as H, B, Na, Si, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti Cr, Mn, Fe, Cd, Sm and Gd were determined by the -PGA. Analytical results of these reference materials agreed with the certified or reference values within about 10%.