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Analysis of surface chemical reaction dynamics by using high brilliance and high energy-resolution synchrotron radiation

Teraoka, Yuden

Si(001) surfaces are oxidized by O$$_{2}$$ molecules. The reaction schemes (oxide-layers formation, SiO desorption, their coexistence) are changed depending on the surface temperature and the gas pressure. The translational kinetic energy of incident O$$_{2}$$ molecules is recognizing to be an important parameter for controlling surface chemical reactions. The issues concerning translational kinetic energy induced oxidation by O$$_{2}$$ molecules at room temperature, effects of translational kinetic energy for SiO desorption processes at higher temperature than 1000 K, reaction mechanisms for coexistence of the SiO desorption and the oxide-layers formation in the temperature region from 900 K to 1000 K are reviewed.



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