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Report No.

Equipment of educational teaching material for FEM

Yamasaki, Ichiro*

The construction of the ITBL environment is now on progress, and the clusters of supercomputer connected by high speed networks are now near the available stage. The fact means that the high end softwares and databases in various fields are near at have over the fence of the organization as well as the geographical distance. The Office of ITBL Promotion has been devoted to the equipment works of softwares and databases as well as the user support on the HPC technology, and planned to open the seminars and training courses on the various application softwares, (for example, bio, nano, fluid, structure etc.). In this article, the educational text for the finite element method(FEM), which is prepared for the use in the seminar for the researchers in the enterprises and universities who want to challenge a large scale FEM in the ITBL environment, is explained.



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