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Report No.

International benchmark activity of tritium measurement of blanket neutronics

Ochiai, Kentaro; Verzilov, Y. M.; Nishitani, Takeo; Batistoni, P.*; Seidel, K.*

To evaluate the measurement accuracy of the tritium production from $$^{6}$$LiLi(n,t)$$^{4}$$He reactions, an international benchmark program was initiated again under the frame work of an IEA fusion neutronics subtask from 2003. JAERI, ENEA and Technical University of Dresden (TUD) are participating in the activity. This program consists of the calibration of the tritium measurement systems and the verification of the measurement accuracies of the tritium production from $$^{7}$$Li(n,nt)$$^{4}$$He and $$^{6}$$LiLi(n,t)$$^{4}$$He reactions. We have completed the calibration of the measurement system with tritium standard water (HTO) and blind HTO samples. From the results, the scattering of the calibration was within 1.5 %.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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