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 年 ~ 

Reflectivity enhancement of large ${it m}$-Qc supermirror by ion polishing

イオンポリッシュ法による高${it m}$-Qc多層膜スーパーミラーの高反射率化

曽山 和彦  ; 角田 治彦*; 村上 勝彦*

Soyama, Kazuhiko; Tsunoda, Haruhiko*; Murakami, Katsuhiko*


An ion polishing technique has been applied to supermirror coating in order to enhance neutron reflectivity. A Ni/Ti supermirror with a critical value of 3Qc and the total number of layers of 407 was coated in combination with ion polishing. The dependencies of Ar$$^{+}$$ ion polishing time, ion acceleration energy and incidence angle on the interface roughness were studied and optimized by using X-ray and neutron reflectometry. The reflectivity of the supermirror was measured at the JRR-3 reflectometer of cold beam line. It has reached 90% at the external critical angle, although the non polished one has the reflectivity of 80%.



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分野:Instruments & Instrumentation



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