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Report No.

Probabilistic safety assessment of inflammable gas leakage in the HTTR hydrogen production system (Contract research)

Shimizu, Akira; Nishihara, Tetsuo ; Moriyama, Koichi*

HTTR of JAERI will be connected with a hydrogen production system by steam reforming of methane for development of nuclear heat utilization technology. This facility will handle much inflammable gas near the nuclear reactor so that special safety consideration is necessary. This report describes the Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA) of inflammable gas leakage in the HTTR hydrogen production system. Vessels and pipes, which contain flammable gas, were divided into several systems. Probability of gas leakage were calculated at all candidate places. As a result of assessment, the counter measures such as double-covered inflammable gas pipes, small diameter instrument pipes, leakage detector and emergency shut off valves, are confirmed to be very effective to minimize the scale of explosion and to prevent the damage on nuclear plant.



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