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Report No.

Determination of low-pressure crystalline-liquid phase boundary of SnI$$_{4}$$

Fuchizaki, Kazuhiro*; Fujii, Yasuhiko*; Oishi, Yasuo*; Omura, Ayako*; Hamaya, Nozomu*; Katayama, Yoshinori; Okada, Taku

The location of the liquidus in the low-pressure crystalline phase of SnI$$_{4}$$ was determined utilizing ${it in-situ}$ X-ray diffraction measurements under pressures up to approximately $$3.5$$ GPa. The liquidus is not well fitted to a monotonically increasing curve such as Simon's equation, but breaks near $$1.5$$ GPa and then becomes almost flat. The results are compared to those from molecular dynamics simulations. Ways to improve the model potential adopted in the simulations are discussed.



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Category:Chemistry, Physical



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