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Report No.

Research on PARC process for future reprocessing

Asakura, Toshihide; Hotoku, Shinobu ; Ban, Yasutoshi  ; Matsumura, Masakazu*; Kim, S.-Y.; Mineo, Hideaki  ; Morita, Yasuji  

In JAERI, PARC process based on PUREX technique has been studied to as the basis of future reprocessing. The key of concept is to obtain the products, U and Pu, within only a single extraction cycle by separating Np and Tc from U and Pu before U/Pu partition. Two flow-sheet tests on the process were performed with 44 GWd/t PWR spent-fuel solutions. It was demonstrated that remaining Np in raffinate from co-extraction could be decreased to 13 % compared to the dissolver solution with increased solvent flow rate and with increased nitric acid concentration of FP scrubbing solution. It was demonstrated that Np separation (selective reduction by n-butyraldehyde) efficiency could be improved from 36 % to 78 % by flow-sheet modification; increasing reductant concentration and scrubbing solution flow rate. The feasibility of the Tc separation technique by high acid scrubbing was demonstrated.



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