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Report No.

A Demonstration study of focusing geometry SANS using a magnetic neutron lens

Oku, Takayuki   ; Suzuki, Junichi; Sasao, Hajime*; Yamada, Satoru; Furusaka, Michihiro*; Adachi, Tomohiro*; Shinohara, Takenao*; Ikeda, Kazuaki*; Shimizu, Hirohiko

We have developed a magnetic neutron lens (MNL) based on a sextupole magnet. A neutron beam, which is incident to the sextupole magnet, either converges or diverges depending on the neutron spin state. Small-angle neutron scattering in focusing geometry (FSANS) was proposed to improve the q-resolution and/or measuring efficiency. The MNL is considered to be the most suitable focusing device for FSANS experiments using a polarized neutron beam, since it focuses the polarized neutron beam free from neutron attenuation and scattering by substances. Recently, we have developed the MNLs with sufficiently large apertures and strong focusing power for FSANS experiments. In this study, we evaluate the focusing property of the MNLs for the polarized neutron beam, and performed FSANS experiments using the MNL. The obtained results are discussed.



- Accesses




Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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