Radionuclide release from mixed-oxide fuel under severe accident conditions
日高 昭秀 ; 工藤 保 ; 更田 豊志
Hidaka, Akihide; Kudo, Tamotsu; Fuketa, Toyoshi
The radionuclides release from MOX under severe accident conditions was investigated in the VEGA program to prepare the technical bases for safety evaluation including PSA for LWR using MOX. The MOX specimen irradiated at ATR Fugen was heated up to 3123K in He at 0.1MPa. The Cs release started at about 1000K and was enhanced below 2200K compared with that of UO. The possible reason is due to the formation of cracks connected to the high burn-up Pu spots. The total fractional releases were evaluated by alpha-ray, gamma-ray and ICP-AES and compared with the ORNL-Booth model. Although the model was prepared based on the tests with UO, the predictions are in reasonable agreement with the measurements. The VEGA test showed that the total releases from MOX are almost the same as those from UO under extremely severe accident conditions. This indicates that the consequences of LWR using MOX are mostly equal to those using UO. The effect of difference between MOX and UO on the consequences will be systematically investigated using the JAERI's source term code, THALES-2.