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Report No.

Effect of change of environmental conditions on the elemental composition of airborne dust

Miyamoto, Yutaka   ; Saito, Yoko; Magara, Masaaki  ; Sakurai, Satoshi ; Usuda, Shigekazu

Airborne dust samples were collected with a high-volume sampler at a fixed point in JAERI-Tokai for three years. Recently at JAERI-Tokai, a number of pine trees to arrest sand shifting was cut down. We analyzed the variation in elemental composition of the dust collected before and after felling the trees. It found, from the two-dimentional plots of ratio of elemental concentration such as Sc/Na-Cl/Na ratios, almost all samples consisted of mixture of sea-salt and soil. There were some differences between the elemental composition of the dust collected before and after felling the trees.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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