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Report No.

Chopper mode of Drabkin energy filters for pulsed neutron sources

Yamazaki, Dai  ; Soyama, Kazuhiko  ; Ebisawa, Toru*; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Maruyama, Ryuji*; Tasaki, Seiji*

Drabkin energy filter could be used as a fast chopper for pulsed neutrons by varying the resonant wavelength $$lambda^*$$ fast in such a way that resonant wavelength matches neutron wavelength at a small time region. The faster $$lambda^*$$ are varied, the smaller time window we could obtain. Neutron pulses could be sharpened much more effectively for a small wavelength band than in the wide-band pulse-shaping mode in which $$lambda^*$$ is varied in synchronization with the time-of-flight from the moderator. In our preliminary test of a chopper-mode with a prototype Drabkin energy filter, time-window of 0.21 ms was obtained while it was 1.08 ms with the filter driven stationary. Narrower time-window could have been obtained if we had more beam-time and it could be also narrowed with higher-resolution Drabkin filters.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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