低放射化フェライト鋼開発の最近の成果; 日米HFIR共同照射実験第4期計画及び関連研究の中間報告
Recent accomplishment for the development of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels; Interim report for HFIR phase 4 with results of relating activities
物質科学研究部; 核融合工学部(東海駐在)
Department of Materials Science; Department of Fusion Engineering Research (Tokai Site)
Extensive efforts for evaluating the irradiation performances of a reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steel (RAF/M) of F82H* and other several RAF/Ms have been made in recent several years. They are, examinations of the effects of neutron irradiation on (1) Ductile to brittle transition temperature (DBTT) up to a damage level of 20 dpa to explore lower temperature limit, (2) Enhanced He effect on DBTT shift for Ni/B doped heats (isotopic tailoring method was used for B doping), (3) Susceptibility to environmentally assisted cracking by the slow strain rate tensile tests (SSRT) in a high temperature pressurized water and (4) Flow stress-plastic strain relation obtained by measuring the profile of the specimen during tensile testing, together with the activities of (5) the development of the test methods after neutron irradiation and (6) other supporting researches. Results are summarized in the present report. They clearly indicate the good applicability of RAF/Ms to fusion machines.