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Report No.

Growth-orientation dependence of magnetic properties of Cr-based multilayers with $$^{119}$$Sn monatomioc layers

Jiko, Norihiro*; Almokhtar, M.*; Takeda, Masayasu  ; Suzuki, Junichi; Shinjo, Teruya*; Mibu, Ko*

The growth-orientation dependence of magnetism of Cr/Sn and Fe/Cr/Sn/Cr multilayers was studied. For Fe/Cr/Sn/Cr multilayers, reduction of Cr magnetic moments was found in both (011)- and (001)-orientated samples, and the effect is larger in the former than the latter. In Cr/Sn multilayers, the (011)-oriented sample with the Cr layer thickness (${it t}$$$_{Cr}$$$$geq$$) of 80$AA  has a commensurate antiferromagnetic structure, while the (001)-oriented samples with {it t}$$$_{Cr}$$$$geq$$ 80AA have a spin-density-wave structure with the wave vector perpendicular to the film plane.



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