Extra radiation hardening and microstructural evolution in F82H by high-dose dual ion irradiation
Ando, Masami; Wakai, Eiichi
; Sawai, Tomotsugu; Matsukawa, Shingo; Naito, Akira*; Jitsukawa, Shiro; Oka, Keiichiro*; Tanaka, Teruyuki*; Onuki, Somei*
The objectives of this study are to evaluate radiation hardening on ion-irradiated F82H up to 100 dpa and to examine the extra component of radiation hardening due to implanted helium atoms (up to
3000 appmHe) in F82H under ratio of 0, 10, 100 appmHe/dpa.The ion-beam irradiation experiment was carried out at the TIARA facility of JAERI. Specimens were irradiated at 633 K by 10.5 MeV Fe ions with/without 1.05 MeV He ions. Micro-indentation tests were performed at loads to penetrate about 0.40 mm in the irradiated specimens using an UMIS-2000. The results are summarized as follows:1) As a result of the single irradiated F82H, the micro-hardness tended to increase about 30 dpa. 2) The extra radiation hardening was obviously caused by co-implanted helium atoms more than 1000 appm in F82H irradiated at 633 K. 3) In the dual-beam (100 appmHe/dpa) irradiated microstructure, nano-voids and fine defects were observed. It is suggested that the formation of nano-voids causes the extra radiation hardening by helium co-implantation.