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Report No.

Short design descriptions of other systems of the HTTR

Sakaba, Nariaki ; Furusawa, Takayuki ; Kawamoto, Taiki; Ishii, Yoshiki; Ota, Yukimaru

The HTTR mainly consists of the core components, reactor pressure vessel, cooling systems, instrumentation and control systems, and containment structures. The design of remaining utility systems is described in this paper. They are: auxiliary helium systems which include the helium purification system, the helium sampling system, and the helium storage and supply system; fuel handling and storage system. The helium purification systems are installed in the primary and secondary helium cooling systems in order to reduce the quantity of chemical impurities. The helium sampling systems monitor the concentration of impurities. The helium storage and supply systems keep the steady pressure of the helium system during the normal operation. The fuel handling and storage system is utilised to handle the new and spent fuels safely and reliably.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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