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Recent progress of negative ion based neutral beam injector for JT-60U

Umeda, Naotaka; Yamamoto, Takumi; Hanada, Masaya; Grisham, L. R.*; Kawai, Mikito; Oga, Tokumichi; Akino, Noboru; Inoue, Takashi; Kazawa, Minoru; Kikuchi, Katsumi*; Mogaki, Kazuhiko; Yamazaki, Haruyuki*; Watanabe, Kazuhiro; Ikeda, Yoshitaka

In negative ion based neutral beam injector (N-NBI) for JT-60U, some modifications for extent pulse duration from 10 second, which is design value, to 30 second was conducted. Main limit to prevent pulse extension was heat loads onto grounded grid in an ion source and onto beam limiter placed at 22 m from the ion source. To reduce these heat loads, beam extraction area was optimized and the limiter was changed to one which had about twice thermal capacity. As a result of these modifications, the temperature rise of the water which was cooling grounded grid could be suppressed under 40 degree, which can operate in steady state condition. The temperature rise of the limiter could be restricted to 60%. Untill now the beam pulse extended to 17 second of 1.6MW power at 366keV energy, and injection of 30 seconds will be achieved in next experiment.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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