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Report No.

New conceptual design of a test module assembly for tritium permeation experiment

Ohira, Shigeru; Luo, G.; Nakamura, Hirofumi; Shu, Wataru; Kitamura, Kazunori*; Nishi, Masataka

A new conceptual design of a tritium permeation test module assembly was developed for demonstration tests using a strong plasma source constructed in TPL for simulation of practical tritium permeation in the real plasma facing components and validation of the models and codes for evaluation of tritium permeation. The target module, to be irradiated by the high flux plasma beam, consists of a multi-layer structure of a plasma facing material plate and a copper substrate with pressurized coolant cavity. Tests using a preliminary model of the target module has been performed to verify thermal and mechanical behavior of the bonded structure and to assess its structural integrity focused on the bonded interface under the cyclic heat loads. After the heat load testing, no visible defect and crack was observed around the bonded interfaces with magnifying glass, and its structural integrity was verified. Also the first tests using tritium plasma at TSTA/LANL with the preliminary model was performed and process to measured tritium permeated was established.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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