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Report No.

Instrumentation for measurement of beam energy spread

Okumura, Susumu; Miyawaki, Nobumasa; Kurashima, Satoshi; Yoshida, Kenichi; Fukuda, Mitsuhiro; Ishibori, Ikuo; Agematsu, Takashi; Nara, Takayuki; Nakamura, Yoshiteru; Arakawa, Kazuo

A simple analyzing system has been developed to measure the energy spread of the beam extracted from the JAERI AVF cyclotron with an energy resolution of dE/E = 0.001%. The high analyzing power can be obtained with an existing deflecting magnet system in the transport line by installing three sets of slits with a minimum width of 0.01 mm and a beam intensity monitor with a Faraday cup and semiconductor detectors. These new instruments have been compactly designed to fulfill the geometrical condition of the existing beam diagnostic chambers, which are located at the object and image positions. Installation of the analyzing system was completed and a preliminary test has been carried out. This system will be used for optimization of the flat-top acceleration system to achieve the energy spread of dE/E = 0.02%, required for microbeam production.



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