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Report No.

Thermal analysis and Ohmic loss estimation of polarizer for ITER ECCD system

Saigusa, Mikio*; Takahashi, Koji; Kashiwa, Yoshinori*; Oishi, Shimpei*; Hoshi, Yuki*; Nakahata, Hiroyuki*; Kasugai, Atsushi; Sakamoto, Keishi; Imai, Tsuyoshi*

The specification of an electron cyclotron current driving (ECCD) system in International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) demands severe operational conditions for transmission lines and polarizers. For evaluating Ohmic loss of a miter bend type polarizer, the six polarizers were made of chromium copper alloy, installed in miter bends and tested at a frequency of 170GHz, rf power of 441kW and pulse duration of 0.1-6 seconds. The increase in temperature on the back of the grooved mirrors has been measured with thermo couplers during high power rf pulses. The Ohmic loss of grooved mirrors strongly depends on the rotation angle of the polarization plane of the incident waves and the mirror rotation in high power experiments, for example the Ohmic loss distributed from 0.2% to1.6%. The thermal analysis of grooved mirror has been performed with the 3D FEM code: FEVA. The all strange behavior of Ohmic loss of polarizers could be explained, theoretically.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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