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Report No.

A Review of internal transport barrier physics for steady-state operation of tokamaks

Connor, J. W.*; Fukuda, Takeshi*; Garbet, X.*; Gormezano, C.*; Mukhovatov, V.*; Wakatani, Masahiro*; ITB Database Group; ITPA Topical Group on Transport and Internal Barrier Physics*

This paper first reviews the present state of theoretical and experimental knowledge regarding the formation and characteristics of ITBs in tokamaks. Specifically, the current status of theoretical modeling of ITBs is presented; then, an international ITB database based on experimental information extracted from some nine tokamaks is described and used to draw some general conclusions concerning the necessary conditions for ITBs to appear, comparing these with the theoretical models. The experimental situation regarding the steady-state, or at least quasi-steady-state, operation of tokamaks is reviewed and finally the issues and prospects for achieving such operational modes in ITER are discussed.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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