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Report No.

Nuclear analyses of some key aspects of the ITER design with Monte Carlo codes

Iida, Hiromasa; Petrizzi, L.*; Khripunov, V.*; Federici, G.*; Polunovskiy, E.*

The design of the ITER machine was presented in 2001. A nuclear analysis has been performed on ITER by means of the most detailed models and the best assessed nuclear data and codes. As the construction phase of ITER is approaching, the design of the main components has been optimized/finalized and several minor design changes/optimizations have been made, which required refined calculations to confirm that nuclear design requirements are met. Some of the proposed design changes have been made to mitigate critical radiation shielding problems. This paper reviews some of the most recent neutronic work with emphasis on critical nuclear responses in the TF coil inboard legs and vacuum vessel related to design modifications made to the blanket modules and vacuum vessel.



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