※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Impact of perturbed fission source on the effective multiplication factor in Monte Carlo perturbation calculations


長家 康展  ; 森 貴正

Nagaya, Yasunobu; Mori, Takamasa


A new method to estimate a change in the effective multiplication factor due to the perturbed fission source distribution has been proposed for Monte Carlo perturbation calculations with the correlated sampling and differential operator sampling techniques. The method has been implemented into the MVP code for verification. Simple benchmark problems have been set up for fast and thermal systems and the applicability of the method has been verified with the problems. In consequence, it has been confirmed that the method is very effective to estimate the change. It has been also shown that there are some cases where the perturbed source effect is significant and the change in reactivity cannot be estimated accurately without taking the effect into account. Even in such cases, the new method can estimate the perturbed source effect and the estimation of the change in reactivity has been remarkably improved.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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