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Feasibility study on the blanket tritium recovery system using the palladium membrane diffuser


河村 繕範; 榎枝 幹男; 山西 敏彦; 西 正孝

Kawamura, Yoshinori; Enoeda, Mikio; Yamanishi, Toshihiko; Nishi, Masataka


Tritium bred in the solid breeder blanket of a fusion reactor is extracted by passing of a helium sweep gas. Tritium is separated from sweep gas at the blanket tritium recovery system. Palladium membrane diffuser is one of the applicable processes for the blanket tritium recovery system. It is usually applied for hydrogen purification system such as TEP in ITER. However, it has been reported that the rate controlling step changes at lower hydrogen pressure such as the blanket sweep gas condition, and discussion about application for the blanket sweep gas condition is not enough. Recently, conceptual design of the demonstration reactor, named "DEMO2001", has been proposed from JAERI. In this report, the application of the Pd diffuser for the blanket sweep gas condition is discussed based on the condition of DEMO 2001.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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