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Report No.

Plan of vibration tests for estimation of seismic performance of ITER tokamak

Takeda, Nobukazu; Nakahira, Masataka

The ITER toamak is composed of major components such as superconducting magnet and vacuum vessel whose operation temperatures are changed from room temperature to 4 K and room temperature to 200$$^{circ}$$C, respectively. The gravity support of the tokamak is flexible in order to accept the thermal deformation caused by temperature change. This structural feature causes the complex behaviors of the tokamak during seismic events. Therefore, the mechanical characteristics of the flexible support have to be investigated in detail. The present report describes the global plan of the series of vibration tests to estimate the seismic performance of the ITER tokamak. Although it is ideal that the vibration tests are carried out using a full-scale model, scale models are planned due to the limitation of the test facilities. The test results can be estimated by a scaling law. When the scaling law cannot be applied to some performances, the test is performed using a full-scale model. In addition, the other tests such as vacuum vessel and small-scaled models of the support structure are also planned.



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