Design Study of Plant System for the Fusion Experimental Reactor(FER)
Iida, Hiromasa; not registered; Yamada, Masao*; Suzuki, Tatsushi*; Honda, Tsutomu*; Omura, Hiroshi*; Ito, Shinichi*
This report describes design study results of the FER plant system. The purpose of this study is to have an image of the FER plant system as a whole by designing major auxiliary systems, reactor building and maintenance and radwaste desposal systems. The major auxiliary systems include tritium, cooling, evacuation and fueling systems. For these each systems, flowdiagrams are studied and designs of devices and pipings are conducted. In the reactor building design, layout of the above auxiliary systems in the building is studied sith careful zoning concept by the radiation level. Structual integrity of the reactor building is also studied including seismic analysis. In the design of the maintenance and radwaste system flowdiagram of failed reactor components is developed and transfer vehicles and buildings are designed. Finally assuming JAERI Naka site as the reactor site layout of the shole FER plant system is developed.