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Report No.

Performance of a reflection-type polarizer by use of muscovite mica crystal in the soft X-ray region of 1 keV

Imazono, Takashi; Ishino, Masahiko; Koike, Masato; Kimura, Hiroaki*; Hirono, Toko*; Sano, Kazuo*

To develop the polarizer functioning in the soft X-ray region of 1 keV, the polarization performance of muscovite mica has been investigated theoretically with simulation code based on dynamical theory. As the result of calculation, muscovite mica is found to be promising candidate as a reflection-type polarizer with the reflectivity for s-polarization of 0.03 at approximately 0.9 keV at the angle of incidence of 45$$^circ$$. In order to verify the polarization performance of muscovite mica experimentally, a symmetric Bragg reflection measurement of muscovite mica(002) was carried out using a linearly polarized undulator radiation. As the result, the maximum reflectivity for s-polarization and the extinction ratio of muscovite mica were approximately 0.018 and 200 at 878 eV, respectively. This result indicates that muscovite mica works as a practical polarizer in the soft X-ray region.



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Category:Instruments & Instrumentation



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