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Report No.

Cause investigation and repair of breakage of catalyst dust filter on mock-up model test facility with a full-scale reaction tube for HTTR hydrogen production system (Contract research)

Morisaki, Norihiro; Hayashi, Koji; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki; Kato, Michio; Fujisaki, Katsuo*; Maeda, Yukimasa; Mizuno, Sadao*

The breakage of the catalyst dust filter was found at the nozzle flange, which was welded onto the end plate of the filter, by the bubbling test using nitrogen gas of the mock-up model test facility. We investigated the cause of breakage and devised a repairing method. The cause of the breakage was the stress corrosion cracking (SCC) generated from the inside of the filter. The filter was repaired based on the following countermeasures such as reduction of condensed water in the filter, tensile stress and sensitization at welding joints. Furthermore, the inspection was carried out to investigate the structural integrity of the welding joints in the test facility of which structure, material and operating condition were similar to the filter. As the results, it was confirmed that the structural integrity was maintained.



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