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Report No.

Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Radiation Education, ISRE 04; August 23-26, 2004, Nagasaki Brick Hall, Nagasaki, Japan

Office of Planning

The Third International Symposium on Radiation Education was held on August 23-26, 2004 at Nagasaki, Japan. The fundamental knowledge of radiation and related nuclear matters should be properly communicated to students and general public. The symposium has been devoted to developing an effective method of radiation education. To remove unnecessary fears for radiation and to utilize radiation and nuclear energy to contribute to the human welfare, the spirit of radiation education was first announced internationally in 1998 at Hayama, Japan, and then confirmed in 2002 at Debrecen, Hungary, and now was reassured in August 2004 at Nagasaki. The symposium consisted of 5 sessions with 77 submitted papers, and involved 141 participants from 13 countries.



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