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Report No.

Neural-net predictor for beta limit disruptions in JT-60U

Yoshino, Ryuji

Prediction of major disruptions observed at the $$beta$$-limit for tokamak plasmas has been investigated in JT-60U with developing neural networks. A sub-neural network is trained to output a value of the $$beta$$$$_{N}$$ limit every 2 ms. The target $$beta$$$$_{N}$$ limit is artificially set by the operator in the first step training and is modified in the second step training using the output $$beta$$$$_{N}$$ limit from the trained network. To improve the prediction performance further, the difference between the estimated $$beta$$$$_{N}$$ limit and the measured $$beta$$$$_{N}$$ and the other 11 parameters are inputted to a main neural network to calculate the stability level. Major disruptions have been predicted with a prediction success rate of 80% at 10 ms prior to the disruption while the false alarm rate is lower than 4%. This 80% is much higher than about 10% previously obtained. A prediction success rate of 90% has been also obtained with a false alarm rate of 12% at 10 ms prior to the disruption. This 12% is about a half of previously obtained one.



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Category:Physics, Fluids & Plasmas



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