Mechanical characteristics evaluation of fuel cladding tube for reduced-moderation water reactor, 1 (Contract research)
金子 哲治; 塚谷 一郎; 木内 清
Kaneko, Tetsuji; Tsukatani, Ichiro; Kiuchi, Kiyoshi
Fuel elements used in The Reduced-Moderation Water Reactor (RMWR) have the lamellar structure consisting of MOX pellets and UO blankets in order to attain the high breeding ratio and high burn-up simultaneously. It is a characteristic of the fuel elements that there is high thermal stress caused by inhomogeneous linear power density along the longitudinal direction of the fuel rod. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the local deformation behavior due to the transient temperature distribution. To estimate the thermal deformation behavior, the temperature and stress distribution of the fuel cladding tube assumed in the designed reactor were analyzed. Moreover, basic physical properties and mechanical properties for analyzing the deformation behavior were obtained by experiment using fuel cladding tubes made of candidate alloys. In addition, the appropriate experimental conditions for realizing the practical thermal deformation behavior of the fuel cladding tube was selected by adjusting the testing temperature distribution based on data obtained with thermal analysis.