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Report No.

Development of EPICS system for 3NBT proton beam monitor system

Oi, Motoki ; Meigo, Shinichiro   

In the J-PARC 3GeV proton beam transport facility (3NBT), proton beam profile monitor, halo monitor, loss monitor and proton current monitors are used as proton beam monitor. The electric signals from these monitors are converted to digital signal with ADC on CAMAC modules and monitoring with EPICS system through CAMAC controller CC/NET. At the 3NBT proton beam monitor system, these are monitored with frequency of 25Hz and all of these data are archived. In this report, we develop the EPICS system for 3NBT proton beam monitors and confirm the performance of the system. As a result, we can monitor and archive these proton beam monitor signals at 25 Hz with CC/NET and EPICS.



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