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Report No.

Improvement works report on mock-up model test facility with a full-scale reaction tube for HTTR hydrogen production system (Contract research)

Sakaki, Akihiro*; Kato, Michio; Hayashi, Koji; Fujisaki, Katsuo*; Aita, Hideki; Ohashi, Hirofumi ; Takada, Shoji; Shimizu, Akira; Morisaki, Norihiro; Maeda, Yukimasa; Sato, Hiroyuki  ; Hanawa, Hiromi; Yonekawa, Hideo; Inagaki, Yoshiyuki

In order to establish the system integration technology to connect a hydrogen production system to a high temperature gas cooled reactor, the mock-up test facility with a full-scale reaction tube for the steam reforming HTTR hydrogen production system was constructed in fiscal year 2001 and its functional test operation was performed in the year. Seven experimental test operations were performed from fiscal year 2001 to 2004. On a period of each test operation, there happened some troubles. For each trouble, the cause was investigated and the countermeasures and the improvement works were performed to succeed the experiments. The tests were successfully achieved according to plan.This report describes the improvement works on the test facility performed from fiscal year 2001 to 2004.



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