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Report No.

Dispersive coupled-channel analysis of nucleon scattering from $$^{232} $$Th up to 200 MeV

Soukhovitskij, E. Sh.*; Capote, R.*; Quesada, J. M.*; Chiba, Satoshi

Lane consistent coupled channels optical model potential (OMP) containing a dispersive term including nonlocal contribution is used to simultaneously fit the available experimental database (including strength functions and scattering radius) for neutron and proton scattering on strongly deformed $$^{232}$$Th nucleus. The energy range 0.001-200 MeV is covered. A dispersive coupled-channel optical model (DCCOM) potential with parameters that show a smooth energy dependence and energy independent geometry are determined from fits to the entire data set. Dispersive contribution is shown to be the dominant Coulomb correction to the proton real potential below the Coulomb barrier. Inclusion of nonlocality effects in the absorptive volume potential and its corresponding dispersive contribution to the real potential is needed to achieve an excellent agreement above 100 MeV.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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