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Report No.

Concept and results of new operation scheme with improved control system for radio frequency heating in JT-60U

Moriyama, Shinichi; Shinozaki, Shinichi 

The control system of RF heating system in JT-60U has been improved with a concept of dispersion processing and featuring a real time waveform shaping method. It is proper that the brand-new, dispersion processing system has higher performance and reliability than old single processor system before modification, however it is worthy of mention that improvement on operation roll sharing, using the real time waveform shaping, has enabled more efficient and smooth operation. The typical roll sharing is that a simple rectangular waveform of the RF heating power is set by the experiment operator, and the waveform is re-shaped with the parameter set by the RF operator who knows deeply the condition of the RF system at that time. The simple and flexible composition of the new control system will also enable further improvement of hardware to enhance plasma performance that is inevitable to the devices for fusion experiment.



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Category:Physics, Applied



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